Put Down the Shovel and Relax! We’ve Got Your Snow Removal Handled

Put Down the Shovel and Relax! We’ve Got Your Snow Removal Handled.jpg

You live in Idaho. That means you’ve come to terms with snow, lots of it, but that doesn’t mean you have to love huffing and puffing as you clear out your driveway, porch steps, and sidewalks…again! Snow removal is tough work, and it can be risky for older adults or anyone with a history of back, shoulder, or knee injuries. Once the snow starts falling, you don’t have to dread spending hours outside in the freezing weather just to clear away your driveway. Contact us at Nature’s Elite Lawn & Landscape, and we can handle all your snow clearing needs for a great price.

Don’t Risk Injury

It is all too easy to throw out your back or pull your shoulder shoveling snow, especially if you’ve had previous injuries or you don’t exercise very often. Removing snow can also be hard for anyone with asthma or senior citizens who may already be dealing with bad knees or arthritis.

Don’t take the risk of injuring yourself, especially after a heavy snowfall. At Nature’s Elite, we can bring snow blowers that can quickly clear off your driveway so you can get to work, your sidewalk so you aren’t liable for any falls and slips, and your porch steps so your friends and family can come over.

Save Yourself the Time

Even if you know you’re strong enough to shovel snow for a few hours, who wants to spend their weekends like that? Or worse, all morning during the week so that you can get to work? You have better things to do, like watching football on Sunday, snuggling in front of the fire, going Christmas shopping, or…basically anything else. Think about how much your time is worth and then decide if it’s really worth it to spend hours shoveling snow.

In all likelihood, it’s a better deal to just hire Nature’s Elite to handle all of your snow removal services for you. Our team is responsive, prompt, and efficient. We can clear off all the areas you indicate to help make your home safer for you and your guests!

This winter, keep our number handy so you can give us a call whenever the snow starts to fall.

Sit back and relax while your front yard or business is getting cleared up for the holiday.

Call (208) 340-0820 and get on our winter snow shovel schedule TODAY!


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